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Beaufort County Landlords


  1. Pamela Albritton 757.201.1923
  2. Reginald W. Asby 252.975.2780
  3. Mark Bailey 609.618.4281
  4. Paul Barrett 252.689.7645
  5. Lynn E. Bolden 252.945.2811
  6. Peree Bolisca 718.809.7722
  7. Joseph Boston 252.945.1173
  8. Joseph Bowen 252.927.3245
  9. Jason Briley 252.551.1002
  10. Mary or Richard Brooks 252.946.6607
  11. Carolyn Carrow 252.946.0254
  12. William Chocron 252.944.5128
  13. Jolinda Cooper 252.944.7867
  14. Javier L. Cortes 252.402.8588
  15. Jerry Davis 252.944.1156
  16. Yolanda Dently 908.590.3939
  17. Stella Ebron 252.402.6118
  18. Cutler Elks 252.902.5390
  19. Ralph Watson Elks Jr 252.946.6971
  20. Mr. Freeman 252.943.5988
  21. Darlene Garrett 252.946.9081
  22. Brenda & Bobby Godfrey 252.975.1023
  23. Evelyn Gaines 252.975.6646
  24. Doris J. Godley 252.623.8196
  25. Allen Grooms 252.402.1386 (no dogs)
  26. Donald Harding 252.946.9238
  27. Patrick Horn 252.714.1021
  28. Amiar Johnson 252.565.2795
  29. Chris or Gladys Johnson 252.946.4401
  30. Gregory A. Johnson 252.721.0369
  31. Mario J, Jackson 252.205.0381
  32. Murray Walker Lynch 252.946.7151
  33. Jay Steven Kite 252.945.9471
  34. William Larkin 252.322.5372
  35. Valerie S. Lewis 252.944.7637
  36. Rayford Lilly Jr 252.948.0400
  37. Michael Lowe 910.670.0033
  38. James Mason 210.269.3327
  39. Alvin Maxwell 252.945.9496
  40. Helen Meeks 252.945.3020
  41. Harry Meridith 252.943.4243
  42. Harry Meredith Jr. 252.943.4243
  43. Doug Moody 919.812.1149
  44. Carolyn Moore 252.975.1986
  45. David Moore 252.975.3806
  46. Frederick A. Murphey 801.737.2858
  47. Ethel Murrell 301.336.6964
  48. Richard Peed Jr. 252.945.5951
  49. Timothy Pinkham 252.945.5913
  50. Jacqueline L. Prayer 252.327.6045
  51. Paul Proctor 252.636.1855
  52. Emma Randall 252.714.9291
  53. Adrano Rivera 252.367.0938
  54. Allen & Sandra Roberson 252.946.5241
  55. Juanita Russell 252.943.6157
  56. Grover Sawyer 252.347.4665
  57. Rosa Sherman 252.752.9397
  58. Roy L. & Peggy Simpson 252.946.9665
  59. Walter Slade 252.943.0797
  60. Danny Smith 252.945.5568
  61. Edward Smith 252.946.8013 or 252.945.3391
  62. James D. Smith 252.945.5568
  63. Katherine Smith 252.364.5339
  64. Robert Smith 252.946.2265
  65. Barbara or Greg Taylor 252.975.2423
  66. Cleveland Thompson 252.783.3055
  67. Myrtle Toler 252.636.5908
  68. Karen Trotter 757.545.5736
  69. David Earl Tyson 252.975.2718
  70. Paula W. 252.833.9941
  71. Jayne D. Wall 252.975.3007
  72. Butch Weston 252.944.8303
  73. Mr. Leslie Weston 252.944.8303
  74. Bobby Wichard 252.945.4662
  75. Grover Wiggins 252.945.5288


  1. Beatty's Enterprises LLC 252.943.1206
  2. Carrow Rentals 252.946.0254
  3. Coastal Rivers Property Management 252.946.0437
  4. Douglas Rentals 252.945.7076
  5. Elks Trailer Park 252.946.9993
  6. Fishing Creek Properties LLC 252.943.2643
  7. FLTA Properties: 252.531.9781
  8. H. Rayford Lilly & Sons Inc 252.948.0400
  9. M & M Rental Properties LLC 252.964.3376
  10. Noris Properties 252.946.5374
  11. ORB Enterprises LLC 252.955.9777
  12. Page Welch LLC 252.946.8159
  13. Pamlico Properties 252.946.9808
  14. Potter Investment Group 252.322.4031
  15. Rick Stevens Builder Ltd 252.974.1115
  16. River Creek Subdivision 252.940.1200
  17. Ron R. Properties Inc. 252.348.2900
  18. Royal Real Estate & Investments 252.217.6949
  19. Towne Point Enterprises 252.943.2228
  20. Walter Lilly Acres 252.946.2962
  21. William A. Murphy II 919.878.5785 with Dawson Properties LLC
  22. William A. Murphy Ill 252.364.2694 with Dawson Properties LLC
  23. WRC LCC 252.946.2220