Beaufort County Landlords
- Pamela Albritton 757.201.1923
- Reginald W. Asby 252.975.2780
- Mark Bailey 609.618.4281
- Paul Barrett 252.689.7645
- Lynn E. Bolden 252.945.2811
- Peree Bolisca 718.809.7722
- Joseph Boston 252.945.1173
- Joseph Bowen 252.927.3245
- Jason Briley 252.551.1002
- Mary or Richard Brooks 252.946.6607
- Carolyn Carrow 252.946.0254
- William Chocron 252.944.5128
- Jolinda Cooper 252.944.7867
- Javier L. Cortes 252.402.8588
- Jerry Davis 252.944.1156
- Yolanda Dently 908.590.3939
- Stella Ebron 252.402.6118
- Cutler Elks 252.902.5390
- Ralph Watson Elks Jr 252.946.6971
- Mr. Freeman 252.943.5988
- Darlene Garrett 252.946.9081
- Brenda & Bobby Godfrey 252.975.1023
- Evelyn Gaines 252.975.6646
- Doris J. Godley 252.623.8196
- Allen Grooms 252.402.1386 (no dogs)
- Donald Harding 252.946.9238
- Patrick Horn 252.714.1021
- Amiar Johnson 252.565.2795
- Chris or Gladys Johnson 252.946.4401
- Gregory A. Johnson 252.721.0369
- Mario J, Jackson 252.205.0381
- Murray Walker Lynch 252.946.7151
- Jay Steven Kite 252.945.9471
- William Larkin 252.322.5372
- Valerie S. Lewis 252.944.7637
- Rayford Lilly Jr 252.948.0400
- Michael Lowe 910.670.0033
- James Mason 210.269.3327
- Alvin Maxwell 252.945.9496
- Helen Meeks 252.945.3020
- Harry Meridith 252.943.4243
- Harry Meredith Jr. 252.943.4243
- Doug Moody 919.812.1149
- Carolyn Moore 252.975.1986
- David Moore 252.975.3806
- Frederick A. Murphey 801.737.2858
- Ethel Murrell 301.336.6964
- Richard Peed Jr. 252.945.5951
- Timothy Pinkham 252.945.5913
- Jacqueline L. Prayer 252.327.6045
- Paul Proctor 252.636.1855
- Emma Randall 252.714.9291
- Adrano Rivera 252.367.0938
- Allen & Sandra Roberson 252.946.5241
- Juanita Russell 252.943.6157
- Grover Sawyer 252.347.4665
- Rosa Sherman 252.752.9397
- Roy L. & Peggy Simpson 252.946.9665
- Walter Slade 252.943.0797
- Danny Smith 252.945.5568
- Edward Smith 252.946.8013 or 252.945.3391
- James D. Smith 252.945.5568
- Katherine Smith 252.364.5339
- Robert Smith 252.946.2265
- Barbara or Greg Taylor 252.975.2423
- Cleveland Thompson 252.783.3055
- Myrtle Toler 252.636.5908
- Karen Trotter 757.545.5736
- David Earl Tyson 252.975.2718
- Paula W. 252.833.9941
- Jayne D. Wall 252.975.3007
- Butch Weston 252.944.8303
- Mr. Leslie Weston 252.944.8303
- Bobby Wichard 252.945.4662
- Grover Wiggins 252.945.5288
- Beatty's Enterprises LLC 252.943.1206
- Carrow Rentals 252.946.0254
- Coastal Rivers Property Management 252.946.0437
- Douglas Rentals 252.945.7076
- Elks Trailer Park 252.946.9993
- Fishing Creek Properties LLC 252.943.2643
- FLTA Properties: 252.531.9781
- H. Rayford Lilly & Sons Inc 252.948.0400
- M & M Rental Properties LLC 252.964.3376
- Noris Properties 252.946.5374
- ORB Enterprises LLC 252.955.9777
- Page Welch LLC 252.946.8159
- Pamlico Properties 252.946.9808
- Potter Investment Group 252.322.4031
- Rick Stevens Builder Ltd 252.974.1115
- River Creek Subdivision 252.940.1200
- Ron R. Properties Inc. 252.348.2900
- Royal Real Estate & Investments 252.217.6949
- Towne Point Enterprises 252.943.2228
- Walter Lilly Acres 252.946.2962
- William A. Murphy II 919.878.5785 with Dawson Properties LLC
- William A. Murphy Ill 252.364.2694 with Dawson Properties LLC
- WRC LCC 252.946.2220